It's been too long...
Family, work, and life in general have gotten in the way of recent posts. Folks lost jobs, folks got sick, folks needed help, folks are coming and going for work and play, folks had new additions to their families...
The rains of summer abated for a few days allowing us to enjoy the odd day outside. Jobs made demands that required the focus of the CTG team...
We've been busy and it's not been here.
Expect a post on WOTAN from Forgotten, Burns is looking at a few posts on getting ready for Hordes Mk3, Antonius who works away from the internet for weeks at a time has lots to say about 8th edition of Warhammer 40k, and Molotov who spends most of her days abroad has another post on the wings. I've got a series of posts coming up about getting ready for GENCON and I'll be getting help from my partner in crime (who married me almost 7 years ago) and this will be her first GenCon experience.
The idea behind this blog was to post once a week. With help from the contributors I've mentioned above dropping a post a week was easy. There were times when we were able to drop two posts a week.
A lot has happened within our lives - as life is prone to do. This blog is about our hobbies and how much we love gathering at the table and meeting each other. From playing a game of Magic the Gathering in the Wizard's Tower format, to painting minis for Infinity, to getting all excited while playing the Curse of Strahd. We have folks playing co-operative rules of X-Wing. People playing games of Endure the Stars and Darksouls. I even got to finally play a game of HI:NT: Human Interface: Nakamura Tower with a buddy from out of town. My wife and I are looking to share the game of Monarch with family this weekend.
We've been busy but that's what happens with hobbies sometimes they get pushed aside because of life.
We're here but life sometimes prevents us from reaching out as often as we'd like.
- See you at the table
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