Name -
Olen aka Dozer
Where are you -
Ottawa, Ontario
Who are you -
I'm married and sporting two jobs while trying to keep a handle on my hobbies. When I have some time, I like to explore the world of BBQ, and I enjoy cooking. Reading and writing are regular activities for me, including my personal blog. When I'm tired I veg in front of my XBox or watch TV with the Missus.
What are you playing on the table -
Infinity, Scythe, Magic the Gathering, and Iron Kingdoms RPG
Play style -
I like creative and flexible play. I like factions with lots of options like Cygnar in Warmachine, Nomads in Infinity, and playing with Blue in Magic the Gathering. I like to creatively interact and take advantage of well designed game mechanics. I look at my games as puzzles, and I love trying out solutions. My style goes from aggressive to cautious depending on the situation. I like to try to new things in games even if it costs me the win. Above all, I like to have fun and I try to make sure my opponents have fun as well.
Top irk at the table -
Players that fail to understand that everyone needs to have fun. Games are about everyone having fun. In order for the game experience to get better you need to be a better player and facilitate other players in their own self-improvement. Being a player who is constantly negative about the game by complaining, putting it down, or who is bitter about the meta or mechanics is not someone I want to play with at the table. I dislike a player who is a poor looser or winner.
Current gamer projects -
Making more time to play, painting my minis, painting my terrain, working my IKRPG Campaign, and my upcoming Infinity Event.
Last word -
Enjoy your time at the table.
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