John aka Burns
Where are you -
Ottawa, Ontario
Who are you -
Casual gamer, since my days of playing 40k in the late 90s who professionally solves problems for smart people.
What are you playing on the table -
Hordes - Circle of Orboros and Legion of Everblight. Magic the Gathering but only if it has Zombies. Infinity - Combined Army. Any board game that is fun or takes reference from the Necronomicon.
Play style -
Nothing fancy: smash the other guy. If I can pull off one cool move I consider it a victory, even if the rest of the game goes the other way.
Top irk at the table -
People who take the game too seriously
Getting my Combined Army into a tournament ready state, then adding models to my Hordes lists.
Last word -
Klatuu Veraata N’(cough)
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