Friday 12 May 2017

Playing at miniwargaming

By: Antonius 

I finally got to cross an item off my gaming bucket list: Playing with gents at miniwargaming.

Four years ago, I found a gaming channel on YouTube called miniwargaming.

Described as "a group of geeks dedicated to bringing you entertaining and informative videos about miniature wargaming, including battle reports, narrative campaigns, painting tutorials, and other random videos".

I checked them out, and being new to online battle reports, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. After watching my first video with them, a Space Marine v. Tyranid Warhammer 40,000 battle report.

I was hooked.

A few years later, the company released a narrative Deathwatch campaign called Augustine Station. I watched the whole campaign and became a vault member for their online website content and never looked back.

While watching battle reports from the group of guys in Welland, Ontario, they repeatedly mentioned how, if players wanted, they could come in and play some games against their content providers. I took to this challenge with enthusiasm and reached out.

Now with 3 children, it was hard to carve out time to paint all my miniatures, and get out to Welland to play against them. Eventually, I was able to lock down a date to play (Easter Monday 2017 in fact) and this helped to motivate me for a final push to have an army ready to play.

Well six weeks after signing up to play, and with a lot of help from my friend Sandy, I had 2000 points of Dark Elves ready to do battle.

When I arrived at their studios I immediately felt an impending sense of excitement and nervous energy. As I walked into the building and began to meet the very content providers I had been watching for the last 4 years. I felt relaxed and excited to finally be able to realize a dream I always had.

The content providers at miniwargaming are some of the most laid back gamers I have ever met at a table. They talked meta, things they liked about games, future campaign ideas they had for their content, and just about anything I would ask them.

I played both of my games of Warhammer Fantasy, and while I did not win either game, I had an incredible time. I was matched against Steve for my games and the banter, the scenarios and my overall experience were something I will treasure. Not only as a gamer, but also as an individual who likes to see why people play tabletop games, why they choose the factions that they do and generally, what draws those players to that specific game over another similar one.

If ever you are in the Niagara region and are looking to play games of Warhammer, I would strongly recommend looking these guys up and getting in a game or two with them.

Enjoy the video

- Cheers


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